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# Unlocking semantic phenotypes for the masses: a litany of opportunities
## Matt Yoder - Bonn, 2019 Semantic Data Models in Anatomy
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# A list
* 10 things that have consequences for how we model anatomy
* Focus on requirements of taxonomy
* Not all doom and gloom
# 0 - An example item
# 0 - ... and its Consequences
* One
* Two
* `*` A consequence that requires no action
* `?` A (more) poorly thought out point
# 1 - Taxonomists have published in _natural language_ for over **200 years**
# 1 - Consequences
* * No model is needed?
* A model must support what they do (diagnose species)
* A model must let taxonomists flow naturally from NL observations to a formal representation
* A majority(?) of statements in the model will be lossy
# 2 - Life is complex
# 2 - Consequences
* Giant empty matrix, with few links
* Linking nodes must be very carefully thought out
* Models must isolate labels from concepts
* RDF labels are not enough to identify "the same" nodes in disparate named graphs
* Model must support evolving refinement
# 3 - Life is observed once, described, then ignored
_Most anatomical descriptions will never be revised_
# 3 - Consequences
* Integrating previously described species will require NL processing
* Let's be real- for most species descriptions will not be redone in a "native" semantic format, we simply don't have the time/resources
* ? While our model's semantics must evolve, the statements/observations behind them won't
* ? Our model must have "versioning" to reference the NL algorithm that were used
* Our model must differentiate NL processed statements from "native" statements
# 4 - Taxonomists present _species_ descriptions
# 4 - Consequences
* Is it important to provide a model that does more than what taxonomists want to do?
* Few, though growing numbers of taxonomists, uniquely identify the specimens in their study
* If we can't identify specimens, how are we going to identify their parts
* An _instance anatomy_ sensu our workshop has never been published
# 5 - Reference ontologies (for gross anatomy) do not exist for most of life
# 5 - Consequences
* ? Instance anatomies can't be merged at finer levels of granularity
* ? Search/filter will need to be done on values, and therefor be variously unsatisfying
* We must tackle the problem from top down and bottom up
# 6 - Converting human NL to a model is lossy process
# 6 - Consequences
* The model should emphasize _minimizing_ loss of meaning
* No one model will fix this issue
* Similarly, conversion between representation models will be lossy, also suggesting minimizing loss is a goal- how to ensure this with model semantics?
# 7 - Humans can't agree
# 7 - Consequences
* Semantics need to be fuzzy enough to draw conclusions across independent observations
* It is unlikely we can have 1 graph of observations (e.g. instance anatomy) per entity being described
* Merging/syncing data from the same, or different models remains, as always (sigh), the hardest problem
# 8 - Model organisms are described differently
# 8 - Consequences
* Models must account from difference from "normal"/"wild type" type statements
* We must work hard to escape from this relative approach less it persist into a more general usage
# 9 - All models need interfaces
# 9 - Consequences
* Interfaces bias what and how models get used
* Semantic models could be completed buried behind the symbolic representations that are used to capture data
* Should our model be built to pre-adapt attributes/properties to the "visual" interface that will capture their instances?
# 10 - People want to use semantic phenotypes for AI, VR, and other buzzworthy things
# 10 - Consequences
* Data may need specific attributes to make them useful for AI and other approaches
* We should talk with Jim/the [SCATE]( project
* We need 3D coordinates for anatomy terms
* See our [vronto]( project
# 11 - ? Data are always generated with a purpose in mind
# 11 - Consequences
* ? Published descriptions are not "inaccurate" (sensu our discussion in the workshop), they have fulfilled their purpose (and been accepted by a community of peers)
* ? Even if we model data, we can't escape the baggage that is its original purpose?
* ? Even in a universal model, some argue that data derived for one purpose are not suitable for another purpose
# 12 - URIs/IRIs
# 12 - Consequences
* ? It is hard to _maintain_ and generate _resolvable_ URIs at scale
* ? A universal model requires unique ids, this comes with significant issues such as services that ensure minted URIs are indeed unique
* It is almost certain that we need centrally managed data "lakes"/"oceans"/repositories that our data can find their way to
# Conclusion
* It is important that we look hard at our underlying premises
* Do they reflect reality?
* Do they reflect how work in biodiversity is actually done?
* Do they "scale to biodiversity"?
* Do they reflect realistic applications of technology?
* Keep data representation and data production issues isolated
* A litany of opportunity requires a pluralist approach to encouraging the use of semantics